
When you arrive on campus, you will participate in the m和atory 面向国际学生. This program is designed to provide important information regarding your matriculation at Central Methodist University 和 help ease the cultural transition.

After you check in at the International Office 和 attend the M和atory 面向国际学生, you will join the general campus orientation group for a weekend of fun filled activities. 你有机会参与是很重要的. 更多的定位信息可在 定位页面.



As soon as you arrive on campus, you are required to report to the International Office. 办理登机手续时,你应携带下列文件:

  • 1. 护照/签证
  • 2. I-20
    • 3. I-94你可以访问并打印在 国土安全部 网站.
    • 4. Official academic/financial documents which were not been previously mailed to CMU


您可以在学生发展办公室获得CMU学生证, 它位于Inman学生社区中心的二楼. 补发遗失学生证的费用为5元.00. 使用下列校园服务需要学生证:

  • 1. 校园房屋 - all residence hall exterior doors 和 stairwell doors are equipped with electronic locks. 你的学生证上有你宿舍和楼层的电子编码. 如果没有学生证,您将无法进入您的大楼或楼层.
  • 2. 校园餐饮服务 -所有住在宿舍的学生都有一份膳食计划. You will swipe your student ID card at the cafeteria/snack bar cash register to enter the dining hall or participate in the snack bar meal exchange program. Off campus students may put money on their student ID card 和 use it in the cafeteria/snack bar as a declining balance payment system.
  • 3. 图书馆 -你需要学生证才能从图书馆借书.
  • 4. 体育活动 -所有校园体育项目对学生免费. 你需要学生证才能入学.
  • 5. 学生健康服务 -向学生免费提供所有学生保健服务.


Students living on campus are assigned a CMU campus mail box; students living off campus may also request a CMU campus mail box. 在方向, you will pick up your mail box assignment 和 receive instruction 和 assistance regarding how to open 和 use your box.


所有国际学生都必须购买健康保险. 具体说明请参阅健康保险部分. Students must comply with m和atory vaccination 和 health requirements before arriving on campus. 所有学生必须提供以下证明:


  • 1. 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹
    All students must provide copies of documentation of two doses of MMR to demonstrate adequate measles, 腮腺炎和风疹免疫.
  • 2. 脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎
    Missouri legislation requires any student living in university housing to either receive the vaccine or provide documentation of previous vaccination against meningococcal meningitis.
  • 3. 结核病(TB)筛查
    所有学生必须填写结核病风险评估表. 如果表格上任何一个问题的答案是“是”, 你必须在学期开始前做肺结核检查.


  • 1. 白喉 -建议注射六剂百白破/百白破/百白破以获得足够的免疫力.
  • 2. 小儿麻痹症 -建议接种三剂IPV以获得足够的脊髓灰质炎免疫.
  • 3. 水痘 (Chicken Pox) -Two doses of 水痘 vaccine recommended for adequate varicella immunity.
  • 4. 甲型和乙型肝炎 -建议注射三剂甲型和乙型肝炎疫苗,以获得足够的免疫力.
  • 5. 流感 -建议每年服用一剂以获得足够的免疫力.
  • 6. 人类乳头状瘤病毒 (HPV) - 建议在16岁之前接种三剂HPV疫苗 th 生日要有足够的免疫力


Each student is assigned a faculty academic advisor in the academic major which was requested by the student on the admission application. 在到达校园之前, the academic advisor will review the student's previous academic credentials 和 prepare a degree plan. 初步课程安排将根据学位计划制定. Students will be able to log into their personal myCMU account to view the schedule 和 access the scheduling request form on the Student Enrollment Check List. 注册期间可能会有调整. 在随后的学期中, students will meet with academic advisors to review progress 和 register for the next semester.


  • 本地银行帐户 -国际学生可凭护照开立银行账户, 最低存款额为25美元, 和 a letter from the DSO confirming a full time enrollment status 和 a current address. There are three banks located in Fayette, 和 many others in Boonville 和 Columbia.
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  • 支付学期的学杂费 - Students may choose 和 set up a payment plan by logging into the MyCMU account. 可通过以下方式付款:国际电汇, 现金, 信用卡, 个人支票(美国银行)
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  • 职业中心 握手 Account - Each student will set up a personal 握手 account in the 职业中心 during orientation, 哪一个可以访问世界范围的就业机会数据库. 在CMU注册期间,该帐户将保持活跃, 学生毕业后也可以访问. 该账户可用于搜索和申请校内工作, 实习, 以及毕业后在职业领域的就业.
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  • 校内就业许可 - On campus employment authorization documents will be completed during orientation. 当学生找到一份校内工作时, it will only be necessary to inform the DSO to obtain an authorization letter to apply for a 社会保险号.


Most students use cell phones in the USA, 和 there are a number of companies which provide service. 在密苏里州费耶特提供良好服务的运营商包括:


你必须通过笔试和驾驶考试才能获得美国驾照.S. 驾照. 读了 密苏里州税务局驾驶指南 准备驾驶考试的笔试部分. 你也可以使用在线申请 自由练习测试. 另一个可以在智能手机或iPad上使用的免费应用是 DMV精灵.

要获得 密苏里州驾照, bring the following documents to the testing center: Passport/visa; I-20; I-94; Letter from the DSO which confirms enrollment 和 current local address.


学习与教学中心 -Provides services for disabilities, tutoring, study groups, proctored testing 和 NetTutor

CMU写作中心 -提供帮助,帮助学生成为更好的作家


Professors list their email addresses 和 office hours in the course syllabus 和 most of them post the hours on their office doors. If you need to speak to your professors regarding an assignment or class material, 发送电子邮件请求一个特定的约会时间会更有效率, so the professor can set aside time in order to devote attention to assisting you.


上课出勤率是必须的,并且是学期成绩的一部分. 每门课程的出勤政策都印在课程大纲上, 你可以通过登录你的MyCMU账户来定位吗, 并选择“我的课程”. Arrive for each class on time 和 prepared (read your text assignments before you go to class)


All CMU students are expected to practice academic honesty for all academic assignments. 以下行为是违反学术诚信的行为:

  1. 在考试中作弊或帮助其他学生作弊
  2. 在考勤表上签其他学生的名字
  3. 使用未经授权的材料完成作业
  4. 任何形式的抄袭, including: copying information from the internet or another source without acknowledging the author, 总结别人的想法而不透露来源, 把别人的作品当成自己的, or submitting your own work in multiple classes without obtaining prior permission from both instructors.
  • APA写作指南 MLA写作指南
  • Avoid plagiarism 和 the frustration of not knowing how to format that paper for your next assignment. All college writing follows clearly m和ated rules which can be easily understood by looking them up in the " 普渡大学在线写作实验室,为全球用户提供资源.
  • 理解英语单词或表达有困难? 试着在网上查一下 词汇参考网站,一个可靠的在线词典和资源.


Living with a Roommate can be a great experience, but it can also be challenging. The following tips may help you develop a healthy relationship with your roommate:

  • 1. 一开始就沟通期望
  • 2. 离开时请锁好宿舍门
  • 3. 给你的室友独处的时间
  • 3. 尊重你室友的东西——未经允许不要使用它们
  • 4. Make a roommate agreement regarding visitors, borrowing things, sleep time, etc.
  • 5. 在开着灯学习到很晚的时候,对室友的时间表要有礼貌
  • 6. Be clean 和 clean up after yourself - don't leave your stuff all over the room
  • 7. Deal with problems when they arise - the key is to be open, honest 和 respectful
  • 8. Be intentional in your relationship - invite your roommate to join you for meals or events
  • 9. 如果你发现你的室友有什么问题,主动提供帮助.

文化冲击是在国外生活很正常的一部分. 对它的经验和适应有一个共同的模式. 一旦你明白发生了什么,为什么你会有这样的感觉, 你可以寻求帮助,制定应对策略.